Good nutrition for weight loss begins to interest us when we realize that diets don't help. Diets don't help - it's a fact. Why? The answer lies in those prohibitions and restrictions that abound in both modern and well-known regimes, "proven over the years. "Good nutrition for weight loss should be varied, healthy and nutritious, strange as it sounds. There are several basic principles of such nutrition. And also a bunch of misconceptions, mistaken judgments, stories about fantastic superfoods, blacklists of "harmful foods", as well as stories about their wonderful rehabilitation.

Before we get into a conversation about nutrition, you need to understand that in recent years, specifically, over the past 25-30 years, the balance of basic nutrients - protein, fat, and carbohydrate - has been quite skewed in favor. of the carbohydrate component. At the same time, you do not need to strain yourself too much and calculate too much - just go to any store and look at the windows with sweets. They take up almost a quarter of the store's space! And the first step in switching to a proper diet for weight loss will be a complete rejection of sugar in the daily diet. Sounds scary, right? Do you know why? Because sugar addiction is like drug addiction.
- Well, it started. . . - someone will say with disappointment, - More bans and restrictions!
A few minutes of your attention, and you will agree that giving up sugar can be a giant breakthrough in improving the health of the body and, therefore, weight loss.
We need carbohydrates, of course. But which ones? We've all heard of fast and slow carbohydrates. We need nits. Dishes based on cereals, wholemeal flour, vegetables. . . Fruits and berries are loaded with fast carbohydrates, but fruits and berries are better to eat than to buy candy from the baking aisle. Many nutritionists propose to resolutely and abruptly abandon carbohydrates, and of any kind, by reducing their consumption to 20-50 g per day. Such a sharp transition from the usual to the useful can lead to dizziness, loss of energy, a bad mood, and the belief that it is not so useful and that it is good nutrition.

Proper nutrition for weight loss will bring much more benefit and joy if you switch to it gradually, steadily, and don't go astray. But first you need to understand why our body so stubbornly resists any change, especially a decrease in the amount of sugar.
Sugar is truly the bane of our time. Few of the products that are offered to us in supermarkets even lack a teaspoon of sugar. We're not even talking about candy right now! Juices, yogurts, marinades, sauces, semi-finished meat products, sausages and sausages, canned fish, instant soups, instant noodles. . . The list is almost endless! The more terrible the coming transition to new principles of nutrition - it turns out we have almost nothing to eat !? Don't panic, there is a way out, and it's pretty peaceful.
Good nutrition for weight loss begins with three steps.
The first step:eliminate sugar in its pure form. Tea, coffee, compotes without sugar. We refuse preserves, jams, candies, chocolates, cookies and other joys of tea to drink with friends or during a work break. Ice creams, cakes, and even low calorie marshmallows are excommunicated from our table! All soft drinks are prohibited. Try to go without sugar for two weeks, just two weeks - you will be surprised. It turns out that the tea tastes different. Coffee too. Cocoa with milk, but without sugar, loads better than any stimulant. And what should be served with tea? At this point, nuts (unsalted), dried fruits, energy mixes with honey (a mixture of nuts and dried fruits, passed through a meat grinder, you can add lemon), butter sandwiches (yes, yes! ), normal cheese and sausage, and better with homemade boiled pork, with caviar, lightly salted salmon, etc. At the same time, tea with all these goodies should be included in breakfast, lunch or dinner, and not be a usual snack. However, about the snacks a little later.
Second step :When the body switches from fast carbs to slow carbs, it's time to cut out foods with a high glycemic index: premium wheat flour, white rice, and potatoes. That is, all the buns, breads, pies, porridge made from peeled rice, semolina porridge, as well as everyone's favorite manna pies and potatoes are automatically transformed from the food ofevery day in a delicacy. Yes, and the soups will now also be without potatoes. Both rye bread and baked goods made with wholemeal flour (no sugar, remember? ), Buckwheat steamed or simply drizzled with clean water overnight, flakes ofinstant oats, they mix very well with fermented dairy products, as well as all exotic products. or forgotten grains like spelled, quinoa. In addition, you should remove frankly sweet fruits from the diet - bananas, grapes, pears. Berries are not included in this list due to their high acid content.
Third step:at this point you have to give up all the carbohydrates, leaving only natural carbohydrates which are part of the sour vegetables and berries. However, sometimes the first two steps are enough to significantly reduce the weight. And if you meet a few more conditions at the same time, you won't have to search for a new diet for yourself - you will take it to a whole new level, where good nutrition comes first, and for life.

Good nutrition for weight loss should be varied.This means that the balance must include not only the famous BJU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), but also vitamins and microelements. And if carbohydrates provide us with energy in a pure, accessible form, then it is much more difficult for the body to get that energy from protein, let alone fat. But, as is often the case, what is difficult to obtain is usually the most useful. Calories from carbohydrates are usually excessive, our body spends almost no effort in processing them, which is why "sugar calories" so quickly fit into comfortable fat rollers.
Proteins are vital for our body.Protein is important throughout life: in childhood it is a building material, in adulthood it is an element that helps our body to function and maintain itself as well as possible for as long as possible. Judge for yourself: the protein performs a protective function, helping the production of antibodies, transport, the most famous protein, hemoglobin provides oxygen to every cell, regulating - the normal production of hormonesis impossible without protein, motor - all types of movement are provided by the proteins myosin and actin, plastic - the collagen protein is responsible for the condition of connective tissue, the appearance of the skin, etc. , energy - protein supplies the body with energy. But perhaps one of the most important jobs of a protein is the preservation and transmission of genetic information. It is believed that the increasingly common terrible disease "Alzheimer's disease" is directly related to insufficient protein intake (not only with it, but the second most important component a little lower).

How Much Protein Does the Average Adult Need? Many nutritionists, doctors and supporters of good nutrition adhere to the standards for protein intake, deduced over a hundred years ago by the German scientist Max Rubner, and this standard was 0. 33 g of protein per 1 kg. of human weight. Much has changed since then, science has advanced and recent studies have inferred a very average rate of 1. 2 to 2. 0 g per 1 kg of weight. An impressive difference. In addition, these 1. 2 to 2. 0 g do not correspond to the weight of the product, for example a piece of meat or a portion of beans, but the pure protein content of the product. A sample table of high protein foods is available on our website. Our site has written about the benefits of protein products more than once, but it never hurts to repeat these common truths.
Despite the great popularity of vegan, raw and vegetarian diets, we still need at least 50% animal protein to keep the body healthy and not in a state of survival. These are eggs, dairy products, fish and seafood, meat and offal. It is these proteins that have a full set of amino acids, unlike plant foods. Although they should be eaten, if only because variety is the essence of good nutrition!
It is clear that there are few products on our planet that consist of a single substance. Almost all foods are a combination of protein, carbohydrate, and fat. And here, with the last ingredient - fats - perhaps the greatest criminal story in the history of nutritional science happened. At a "perfect" time, fat was declared an enemy of health. Everyone has heard horror stories about cholesterol, blood vessel plaques, and other horrors. And looking at how the stores are replenishing their assortment with light or totally light products at an enviable speed, you begin to doubt the sincere desire to feed us with "correct", "healthy", "alive" foods, because there is noThere is nothing correct and useful in the absence of fat in the diet.

So what is the function of fat in our body? You will say - helps in the assimilation of fat soluble vitamins. Is that all? From school day biology lessons, someone will remember the heat exchange function of fats. Thus, the most important function of fat in the body is the metabolism of sufractants, that is, in layman's terms, ensuring the exchange of oxygen in the alveoli of the lungs. Fat lines the walls of the alveoliin a very thin layer and allows us to breathe and… to live. My grandmother's methods of treating lung disease immediately spring to mind: badger fat, dog fat, goose fat, hot milk and butter - everywhere there is fat, insidelike outside, and it helped! And, by the way, it always helps, just drugs for the treatment of hypoxia (lack of oxygen), which are now sold for wild money, in fact, is a fat emulsion. Another important function of fats is the synthesis of membranes. The cell membrane is made up of 70-85% fat, and the function of the membrane is to provide cell protection, thermal insulation and selective permeability (because anything that seeks to enter the cell is notuseful and necessary for this). The myelin layer, this insulating sheath of our nerves, is made up of 70 to 80% saturated fat. No myelin - get Alzheimer's disease, senile sclerosis (rather much younger) and dementia. Fat is one of the most important substances vital for the construction of membranes, the myelin sheath, ensuring their work, as well as the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. Remember this when choosing between 0, 5 and 3, 2% fat milk.
Another important function of fat is hormonal. It is fats which are the sources of the synthesis of hormones, and they are very numerous in our body. These are growth hormones, protein hormones, thyroid hormones, digestive system hormones, steroid hormones, adrenal hormones, sex hormones, etc. It is clear that the slightest bias, the underproduction of any hormone threatens huge disturbances in the work of the whole organism. Sudden attack of blackheads and acne, all kinds of rashes are a sign of low androgen levels. Frequent headaches "for no reason" can be a sign of low estrogen levels. Constant insomnia - not enough progesterone. Fatigue, exhaustion and even exhaustion even at rest can be a sign of a violation of the production of thyroid hormones. Hair loss is also a sign of this disorder. Weight gain may be due to high levels of estrogen, cortisol, and insulin, combined with low levels of testosterone. Forgetting and distraction are indicators of low estrogen and cortisol levels. As everything is connected!
Fats are responsible for regulating heat. This is why men who do not diet are often hotter than women who are still losing weight. Constantly frozen hands and feet are most likely a sign of fat deficiency, if not some kind of congenital peculiarity. The best-known function of fats is to dissolve and aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins: A, E, D, K. Dieting low in fat and drinking vitamin complexes - this is not an option, the vitamins simply will not be absorbed.
And finally, last but not least - vitamins, minerals, macro and microelements. These substances are found in different amounts and combinations in all products, but special attention should be paid to fresh vegetables, roots, fruits and berries. One of the most valuable vitamins - vitamin C - is not synthesized in our body and we can only get it from fresh plant products. Our site has filled a whole section on vitamins, read it, it's useful! Plant foods contain enzymes and flavonoids, all kinds of minerals, without which we simply cannot function normally. For example, potassium - the work of the heart without it will be disturbed. Magnesium is responsible for the health of the brain, nervous and hormonal systems and is involved in metabolic processes. And also in plant products there are fibers - without them the processes of digestion and peristalsis are almost impossible!

Good nutrition for weight loss and body improvement includes the following principles:
Eat no more than three times a day. Unexpected, right? But what about 5 to 6 meals a day, advertised in many recommendations? Such split meals are great for seriously ill children, athletes, and citizens. If you don't fit into any of these categories, eat three or even twice a day.
Eat only when you are hungry, not at night. Breakfast is optional! If you don't feel like eating in the morning, reschedule breakfast a few hours later. Don't burden yourself with food just because someone said breakfast is the most important thing.
Learn to listen to yourself and understand the difference between hunger and the usual habit of mixing something in between. The following recommendation will help you do this.
Drink water. Not in liters, as is sometimes advised. Not boiled. Ideally in bottle or in the spring. The drinking regime is simple to dishonor: 2 glasses of lukewarm water (not cold and not boiling water) in the morning, 1-2 glasses during the day and 1 in the evening. Sometimes it is enough to drink water to realize that it was just thirst, not hunger.
Get into the habit of buying all kinds of nuts and seeds more often. In addition to fats, they contain a huge amount of macro and micro elements.
Eat whole foods. That is to say not without fat! Cottage cheese - 9% fat, not less, but with sour cream, cream coffee, butter sandwiches, fatty cheeses, fatty sea fish, exotic avocado, bacon! This is not a typical "fire on fire" bias. Measurement is necessary in everything, of course.
Don't forget the protein! But no less important is what to combine it with. And this recommendation will be the last.
Eat vegetables. Lots of vegetables and herbs. Fresh, pickled, pickled, steamed, boiled and even fried in oil! But fresh salads are of course preferable. It is not difficult to calculate the amount of vegetables: mentally divide your plate into two parts - half will be occupied by vegetables, and the second will contain protein, fat and the same minimum allowable carbohydrate.
Good nutrition for weight loss is not strict tables and recipes. This is a deliberate approach. All of these tips will only work if there is an almost complete rejection of carbs. If you combine protein with carbs (mashed potatoes with a chop) or fat with carbs (bacon with bread) on a plate, you're done. Specifically, no, of course, you won't die immediately. You will go on living sighing unhappily with each new kilogram and complaining about injustice ("I am literally sitting on the same water, where does the fat come from??? "). No need to sit on the water, no need to worry about starvation, diet products. Just start with three steps and walk, without looking nowhere, towards health and beauty.